ladies and gentlemen.
hey everybody!
welcome here today.
i'm going to talk about motivation.
i'll be discussing ways to Motivate People.
get ready to learn some fundamentals.
motivation means providing incentive.
motivation is the key to improvement.
let me share some strategies with you!
first,motivating People starts with motivating yourself.
make sure you're Motivated.
make sure your enthusiasm is contagious.
the best motivators are excellent role models.
their actions speak louder than words.
they inspire People to emulate them by settinggood examples.
great motivators use psychology.
motivation requires understanding human nature.
motivation is using influence and persuasion to encourage People.
second,to Motivate People you must know what they want.
you must understand what inspires them.
you need to know their hopes,dreams and desires.
then,put that knowledge into action.
challenge People to excel.
challenge them to d omore,be more and achieve more.
next,align your goals and their goals together.
create a winning combination.
create an "everyone benefits" situation.
third,you must set worthwhile goals.
set up strategies to succeed.
set up guidelines and objectives to follow.
let People know why they're workinghard.
let them know what they want is attainable.
explain to them that with hard work they will get it.
sHow them How to do it.
sHow them a clear-cut plan to succeed.
they will "move heaven and earth" to achieve.
the fourth step is to praise and reward.
praise and rewards are powerful motivators.
praise progress and reward every achievement.
celebrate every steo forward.
give encouragement and support.
give constructive feedback all the time.
praise is a powerful incentive.
People need tangible rewards and benefits.
People need promotions,raises,prestige and respect.
in conclusion,be honest and true.
true motivators tell it like it is.
true motivators have a no b.s. phylosophy.
great motivators have changed the world.
you can be an expert motivator,too.
you only have to practice,practice,practice.
you can have a wonderful life.
you can accomplish great things.
now,get Motivated and go Motivate others to achieve!
第二篇:How to Motivate highly talented People with bad attitude_chnHow to Motivate highly talented People with bad attitude
c.j. ng著
就工作表现而言,马克是某一家公司(业绩表现)的突出贡献者之一。他贡献非常可观的销售业绩,并且对他所销售的产品技术细节非常的了解并具备很高的产品知识。不幸的是,他的态度不是非常友善,并且和公司的同事相处也格格不入。他总是上班迟到并且很早地离开会议,且常常对他的同事说出一些侮辱性的言辞,包括对他的经理人。另外,通常在上班时间总是找不到他人,并且很少回复电话或者回复他所收到的邮件。但是,反过来,他又非常严格地要求他自己部门的同事以及来自其他部门的工作伙伴都能为他提供全 ……此处隐藏723个字……ill have happier and more productive employees if you stick to reasonable working hours. when employees do work overtime for special projects, take the time to acknowledge their efforts and thank them. if the business can't afford to reward them financially, offer them a day off or be flexible when they need time off to attend to family matters. letting employees know that you understand their needs and appreciate their efforts will go a long way to keeping them Motivated.
simplify the work process
nobody likes to get bogged down under paperwork and administration. today, with the many software systems available, it is possible to run an almost paperless office. put systems in place that help employees fulfill their tasks and responsibilities more efficiently. you may have an automated pricing system that can help them get quotes out more efficiently. you could have a customer relationship management system that helps everyone in the company keep on top of sales and client management. another system that helps to improve office efficiency is online faxing. online faxing works off a fax server and allows faxes to be sent directly from the employer's personal
computer. this saves time for the person sending the fax and saves money for the business owner. the online faxing system can also help you improve your customer service levels.
reward work efforts
salaries and wages are often expected by employees and therefore not really seen as reward for their work. unfortunately, many employers feel that a paycheck is thanks enough and that they do not need to acknowledge work efforts in any other way. However, often affirmation or a simple word of appreciation can go much further in terms of motivating employees. it doesn't have to be a huge award ceremony but something that acknowledges their efforts publicly will make employees feel that they are achieving a level of success. not everyone has the aspirations to be a business owner or top management but many People want to feel that they are doing well at their job. when employees feel successful, they tend to put more effort into their work and are more Motivated to do well.
provide employees with opportunities to grow
sending employees on training courses benefits both your employees and the
business. you will be empowering your employees and at the same time bringing new skills and knowledge into the workplace. when you train employees, you are saying that you see potential in them that is worth developing. this can help to keep them Motivated in the workplace and always on the lookout for opportunities to learn.
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